Licencing with a new Customer

Dear BeTheme Team.

I have a licencing question. I have bought the BeTheme and designed a Website for a friend of mine. I did not get money for it so i basically just gave him my licence, is that right?

So my questions:
Am i allowed to sell it to him for a higher price? Is it allowed to buy the BeTheme and sell it to more than one person? I think selling it to one person is allowed (i read that on the themeforest  QA)
If i have a second person who is interested in a Wordpress site and I use BeTheme to create it... do i have to buy it one more time? Can i do that with my name again or should he himself buy it and give me permission to design it?

Also - is allowed for me to design it with MY BeTheme, give it to more than one Client with the prerequisite that they have bought the rights for BeTheme usage themselves?

Looking forward to an answer,


  • Hi Luffy,

    in reference to TF license and agreements, once purchased license can be used for one site/domain only. If you want to use this theme for few sites, then you must buy as much licenses and many sites you want to build. Of course this concerns all themes on Themeforest marketplace.

    So basically, you can sell it to as many clients you want but for each website/client, you must buy one license on Themeforest marketplace. So if you want to build 5 websites for clients, you need to buy 5 licenses. You can buy it from your account of course or you can tell your client to buy it.

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