Portfolio on Hover
1. How can I change what is shown on the portfolio icon hover. Now it shows a magnifying glass and a link. I would like to add a description on the hover as well.
2. How can I move this gallery up closer to the image on the left column: http://cibonaydames.com/portfolio-item/marriott/
3. How can I change "related posts" to state "related work": http://cibonaydames.com/portfolio-item/marriott/
Thank you
1. To display Portfolio Title instead of links, you need to turn ON Hover Title option under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Portfolio section.
2. For that you supposed to use WRAPS. Inside 1st wrap you should use large image with smaller images below and in 2nd wrap on the left, you should use text.
3. All texts can be translated/changed under Theme options > Translate section.