Mystery section under header ?

1. Could you please tell me how to remove this weird white bar section under the menu- that says 'home'. 

2. Also, how do I get the header to be in the center when scrolling down, rather than it moving off to the left side ?





  • Hi,

    1. This is subheader. All it's options are under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Subheader section.

    2. To center menu in sticky header, you need to use extra css: .menu_wrapper { width: 92% !important; }
  • Thanks ! As you see in the attached pic, it only removed 1 part of the issue though. There is still a white section lingering. Please tell me what that is and how to remove it. I already checked "hide subheader" under Theme options > Header & Subheader > Subheader.

    If you could also be more specific on directions, that would be great. All you had to do is tell me to check off 'hide subheader', and although obvious this time, I had to figure that out on my own.

    Much appreciated !image
  • Sorry but we missed that section. It's header's background. And because looks like you don't need it in your case, you can remove it by activating MINIMALIST header style under Theme options > Header & Suheader > Header section.
  • Thanks....I wish there was a way for figure these things out than to always ask...but I do appreciate you letting me know.
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