Serialized Search & Replace Tools Do Not See Content in Muffin Builder Areas


At our firm we have a development server where we build all websites for our clients.
As is the case with our latest project build using the BeTheme: 

This was a 6 month project and there are about 200 Pages/Post Types.

When it came time to migrate this site to its new "Live Domain" home on our client's hosting server, we moved the entire site then ran a PHP Serialized Search and Replace Tool to find and update every URL or reference to the old development server in the site and replace it with the new live site's URL base.

This always works flawlessly ( we've tested and used it on hundreds of projects ).
But this time on our project built entirely using the Be Theme and most pages built using the Muffin Builder...
It fails to find almost ANY of the hundreds and hundreds of old dev area URL or IMG references, basically,
ANYTHING that is stored ANYWHERE in a Muffin Page Builder element, cannot be found in the database.

And so we are left with a new live site that we cannot find or fix or replace ANY references unless we walk through the entire site and open and redo every... single... page builder element... one by one in over 100 pages.  By Hand.

And so, I am here to ask you: 
1) Where in God's Name are you saving page content post data in such a way that NO Database Search Tool that we have tried for 3 days now can find or update them?
2) And Why in God's Name would you make something that so completely violates ALL known rules for how page content is structured and saved such that a WP site built using your Themes or Tools can never be moved to another URL?
3) Do you have a tool or some method that you provide your "unsuspecting users" to overcome this horrible trench?
4) Do you already know and realize that any website built using your Muffing Page Builder can never be migrated or moved w/o completely and utterly having to rebuilt by hand?

You have NO IDEA that amount of Development Firm to Client relationship nightmare our only finding this out at the very, very end this has caused.
And I very seriously, and very strenuously think you should re-consider the entire foundation of how you build your themes and how you make your Muffin  Page Builder Tool work... 

Because, from what I can see right now, this is literally the WORST "only at the last minute" TRAP I have encountered with a WP Theme in 5 years.

Please advise, how do we rescue this now completely failed project based on your Be Theme from the inevitable lawsuit that may follow because our client's LIVE SITE cannot be updated to have correct URL's unless it remains in place for DAYS while we work our way through 6 months of developemnt and find every single URL by hand because your Page Builder tool "hides them" somewhere in a way so non-standard that they literally CANNOT EVEN BE FOUND in the WP Database?



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