Extra content div on blog categories?

hello, what is that extra content we see right before on every blog categories post, a text or something that shouldnt be there. how to get rid of that?
thanks_(see the picture)image


  • Hi,

    it's because you did not read the doc and made blog page the wrong way. Please look at http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/#blog where we described how to properly create blog page.
  • I did read that! the thing is that i need more than 1 blog section or blog page, for several categories, so i just need to get rid of that line, how to do that?.... i mean, whats up with the support? 
  • This extra content might come from WP editor or from category description. Like we said, extra content displays always if you did not created blog page properly (the way as we explained it in the documentation). This is how WP works. So or you will check those sections or you need to hide this content on specific pages with custom css.
  • And like i said, i dont need just one blog page, i need several pages with diferent blog categories on them. so im going to need to get rid of that extra content. whats the custom css? thats all im asking for. thank you
  • If you would like css, you must send us link to page that concerns above screenshot because we must have a look into code first.
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