Not Saving Correctly
The Muffin editor does not save items to the correct Section. I've attached a video showing what it is doing. I add a background to 'Awesome Services' section, after saving the background is added to the top section. It happens no matter which section I choose; the background will always show up on the top Section. - .mov format.
you are unable to save the content only because of the limits on your server side. More details about that you can read in the following topic
P.S. You can check server limits under Appearance > System Status section.
Server Info: [?] Apache
PHP Version: [?] 5.6.19
PHP Post Max Size: [?] 50 MB
PHP Time Limit: [?] 180
PHP Max Input Vars: [?] 5000
SUHOSIN Installed: [?] ✔
MySQL Version: [?] 5.5.5
Max Upload Size: [?] 50 MB
Default Timezone is UTC: [?] ✔
fsockopen/cURL: [?] ✔
DOMDocument: [?] ✔
Remote Get: [?]