I'd like to hide header from page


I would like to hide the menu and header information from a page.  

I would like to use the Landing Page and have a button that redirects visitors to a different URL (I've already done this).  This different URL is a temporary website, in a subdomain (I'm not having any trouble here)

Here's my issue
And while I'm developing the main site, I want the ability to work on the site, and have the visitors to click the button on the landing page that sends them to a different site, but for some reason, the menu keeps showing up on the page.  I don't want any menu or logo or anything showing up on the page, how do I remove the menu from a specific page?


  • Hi,

    if you don't need header and footer, you can set BLANK PAGE template on the right site while you edit/create page. But if you want to remove header only, we need link to example page where you want do this so we can prepare right custom css for you.

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