Theme configuration

Hello, good evening.
I'm having some difficulties and I hope I can get some help.
I followed every step to install the theme but then I decided to alter the demo from cafe to constructor.
Well the final result is quite a mess. I don't know what exactly I did wrong but it seems both the themes are being used.
This is the address of the website
I deleted the theme and installed it again but the problem maintains.

Kind regards,
Vitor Teixeira


  • Hello,
    I would like to get some help regarding my problem.
    Isn't this inside the parameters for support? I have a tight deadline.
    Thank you for your time
  • Hi,

    you can not import 2 demos on one site because the 2nd import just overwrite settings and other stuff from the first one and that's why you got a mess now. What we recommend now is clear your WP with WP Reset plugin and import the demo you like once again but only once this time.

    P.S. Because you mentioned support, we suggest to read Item Support Policy where everything has been listed. After reading policy, you will understand that customization are not included.

    P.S.2 If you look at you will understand that we do not work 24 hours per a day. We are just people.

  • Yes I understand that now and I already did the reset.
    I'm not after customization but an quick answer like the one you just gave or a link to a youtube video like the one I just found that explains that - 

    I posted a question yesterday and I didn't get any answer. The second post came today because I saw that other doubts were answered before mine. So I thought that perhaps my question wasn't a proper one.

    I think it was completely unnecessary sending me those links and the tip that you are just people to a client that just made two simple questions. 

    I wont bother anyone again and I will not be using your services/products again  because I don't want to waste anyone's time in unfortunate situations like the one that just happened.   

    Thank you for the answer and time.
  • Sorry but we can not agree with you because we did not replied on any question before your question. We reply on all questions at the same time, ALWAYS. There is never no exceptions.

    In reference to your question, you asked Isn't this inside the parameters for support? - so we gave you link to support policy where everything has been explained. Sorry but we don't get your thoughts at all. We just wanted to be clear.

    And because you re-posted question, we gave you link to profile where we clearly explained what time we work. So again, we don't understand you. Next time, we can do not inform you about such important things if you don't want.
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