Your theme crashed my sites - virtual memory usage on the server

i have betheme installed in some sites, and all of them are taken down by the server due to virtual memory usage. the error is: 

Cannot allocate memory: couldn't create child process: /opt/suphp/sbin/suphp for /home/gvscolom/public_html/index.php

- here are the limits im using:

WP version: 4.5

WP memory limit: 100Mb



WHAT CAN I DO? Im really upset because of this. i need all the help you can give me.


  • We have allready contacted to the server provider, they say its due to scripts or something in the theme, i really dont know what to do...
  • Hi,

    so your hosting provider told you that Cannot allocate memory error is related with theme? Wow, that's really amazing to see what people works in hosting business. Your admin is definitely not telling you the truth. You got this error because of not enough available memory on server side. For more details about limits we suggest to check Appearance > System Status section.
  • Yes, they said that we had like 2Gb and so on... also we looked for this Appearance > System Status section yesterday didnt find it.
  • If you don't have that section, you should definitely update theme to latest version.
  • ok. can you please tell me what are the requirements of the theme to properly work, i mean on the server side, amount of memory etc. is ti possible that installing the theme is so high that the site and emails are shutdown? Thanks.
  • @mtta It's not possible to give you the requirements because we noticed that in some cases such low settings as 64MB ram are enough but in some cases are not. Basically there is to much factors that got an impact on it. We have estimated requirements under Appearance > System Status section where you can check them but like we said this might work different on different servers.
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