Parallaxing messing up?
Hey Guys,
Just working on a clients website and I've discovered an interesting bug going on and hoping for some help. We have this website running Betheme - Parallax and it seems to be rather random on the parallaxing breaking and not showing correctly. The issue seems to reside within script.js on lines 863- 876. Whenever it does not use 'stellar' and instead uses enllax() for the parallaxing the theme seems to break, and the parallaxing is all shoved up and not centered.
We are currently using BeTheme 12.2.
Demo Site:
Any help is greatly apprciated!
we are sorry but we don't get it. Did checked your site already and didn't noticed anything wrong. As we can see you use translate3d parallax feature which is our opinion is the best one and works fine in all browsers.