Permalinks, pretty URLS

Dear Muffin Group, 

I ignorently changed under SETTINGS: 
from your default "Custom Structure" to "Post Name". 

Then all my pages disappeared. 

I tried to return to the "Custom Structure" but the data you must have had there was no longer available. 

Now it is on "Plain" and the pages are there.
The need is to return to the "pretty" URL structure for the search engine.
We assume this is what you have embedded in the template but we cannot access it. 

Our programmer asked for: your default permalink settings from this template 
and also wanted to know if there is a caching embedded in your programming. 
Because he could not find the possibility to return to the deafault settings you have for the template.

Dara Emerson


  • Di,

    the default permalinks we use are /%postname%/ but there is no caching embedded into our code.

  • edited April 2016
    so I return to custom structure
    and add  /%postname%/ to it?

    my website is a combination of static pages and a blog.

    originally the custom structure had some random numbers in the settings: permalink.

    originally we used the "copywriter" template

    WHEN I place /%postname%/ in the permalink my pages are again lost

    so what could the answer be? Thanks in advance

  • The answer might be only one - you need to contact with your admin because something must be wrong with .htaccess permissions on server side. Please notice that theme does not have any impact on permalinks. It's WP option unrelated to BeTheme.
  • Thanks you are right! we fixed our server now. Thanks for the support.
  • I have a similar issue but I cannot fix it even with these comments.

    I am trying to change the permalink structure on my website from a plain to a custom structure: /%category%/%postname%/

    After this change I get an error 404 Not Found on every pages.

    I have checked with the software Filezilla my file .htcaccess but I have realized I don't have a one. So I created the file and add the following code and the right permissions. 

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    After uploading, the website became completely broke (pictures missing, layout completely different) and this issue still not solve.

    Thank you for your assistance.
  • @frankyfrench You need to contact with your admin or we developer because this has nothing to theme. If permalinks does not work, the problem is probably somewhere on server side.
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