How to export pages built wih visual composer to muffin builder


I have some pages already built with visual composer. but I really like using the muffin builder better.
Is there a way to export these pages already made to muffin builder with out recreating them?



  • Hey,

    we are sorry but it is not possible unfortunately. Such export option is just impossible. If you want to use Muffin Builder, you need to re-create them.

  • Hi
    I understand.

    What is the best way to activate and create new pages with your theme while still having another theme active?

    I want to switch themes but don't want to shut down site in the process. Being that I can't export the visual composer pages I have to recreate them so I would like to create them with having downtime in the site..

  • This is not possible. You can not have 2 different themes active. WordPress does not allow do this.
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