Decor demo content not responsive

Hey guys.

I am implementing your theme for a client and just realized that the decor demo content is not responsive at all.
Take a look at this screenshots. It's looking terrible on small screens!

Specially the testimonials section. it looks really bad on mobile/small screens. The text doesn't seem to resize. Take a look at the picture how the text is just too big!!

Also, the map icons have no option to have a diferent size in large/small screens, what is really annoying, cause the icons look way too big on small screens. Is there a way to fix this?


  • Hi,

    1. If you want, you can remove padding from testimonials with an extra css:
    .testimonials_slider .testimonials_slider_ul li .bq_wrapper { padding: 0 !important; }
    2. We did checked the map and the map icon is just in the middle. So all is fine here.
  • Actually I want it to resize the text as the screen size changes.

    The text is WAY TOO BIG, the person has to scroll a lot and can read only 1 to 3 words each line.

    can we achieve that somehow?
  • Also, is there a way I can make the icons show two of them in each colum of small screens?
  • 1. We do not have any option to resize texts on screens unfortunately.

    2. No, it is not possible to do this.
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