put search html iframe

edited May 2016 in BeBuilder

I need put fulltext search html iframe on my site and its dont work.
Its custom search iframe item with this code:

<iframe data-src=""http://healtech-electronics.com/advisor/?lng=cz&;" src=""http://healtech-electronics.com/advisor/?lng=cz&;"
csource=http://motocustom.studioosiris.cz/wp-content/themes/betheme/css/ht_pa.css&plink=http://motocustom.studioosiris.cz/wp-content/themes/betheme/index.php?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_quer­y=" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" width="100%" height="400"></iframe>

in code above http://healtech-electronics.com is adress from my distributor,
http://motocustom.studioosiris.cz/wp-content/themes/betheme/css/ht_pa.css is adress, when I have ht_pa.css item, and http://motocustom.studioosiris.cz/wp-content/themes/betheme/index.php... is way to fulltext search in my web.
Tell me please, if I all in this code write good.

Now, I decode this code above:
, and put to column box in muffin builder, but in front page is only this code, no search iframe box:

What is wrong? Must I change index.php, or search.php file in betheme folder (if yes, so how)?



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