no full width and header very tall despite settings

edited May 2016 in Theme Options
[i typed all this out last night, but the message didn't stick around, perhaps because my subscription expired. I've re-paid that this morning.]


Problem 1: content width
I've got all the options set for a full-width, responsive layout. However, the layout seems to be boxed. That graphic is 1080 wide, and the paragraph below is is long. Both are set into 1/1 items, wraps and sections.  However, they are centered as though the layout were boxed.

I'm building my own site from scratch using your theme. I'm not building on top of the Taxi demo directly, but i'm using it as inspiration. So i've gone through all of the settings in Taxi, both in the options and on pages and duplicated those settings in mine. Nothing fixes it.

If i set the Grid Width from the default 1240 to 1920, then things are full width (of my 1920 wide screen), but that's not how that option should be set under normal circumstances. Taxi doesn't have it's grid set like that, so that's not the right answer.

Problem 2: header height

The height of the header is fixed at 250px, which looks ridiculous. header#header and div.header_wrap are both set to 250px by the theme.  I don't have any elements in there that are that high.  Where do i change the padding or whatever of this header to make it more inline with the logo graphic etc? I can do this in CSS of course, but i'm betting i have a setting wrong as this default look is very odd.

Any help is appreciated and time is of the essence.

Thanks for the great builder theme!


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