Hashtag links 'One Page website' within normal website

Hi there,

I'm trying to achieve the following:

I'm building a 'normal' multi-page website with the following pages. Each are seperate menu items.:

Page three consists of various items (three-a, three-b, three-c), which I implemented in the menu with hashtag links (http://url.com/three/#hashtaglink).
I selected the 'one page' option in page three to create the smooth scrolling effect to each of the items (three-a, three-b, three-c) within page three.
This works fine. However, I've got two problems:

- As soon as I select the 'one page' option, the menu item isn't highlighted anymore in the main menu ('page three' in this case).
- Smooth scrolling works fine, but it should stop at a different point (a bit higher). Currently, the top of the section isn't visible (sticky menu covers the item / disabling sticky menu doesn't help either).

Any thoughts on these two issues?

I could create a hashtag link to the bottom of a previous section, but I hope a more refined solution is possible.


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