Hashtag links 'One Page website' within normal website
Hi there,
I'm trying to achieve the following:
I'm building a 'normal' multi-page website with the following pages. Each are seperate menu items.:
Page three consists of various items (three-a, three-b, three-c), which I implemented in the menu with hashtag links (http://url.com/three/#hashtaglink).
I selected the 'one page' option in page three to create the smooth scrolling effect to each of the items (three-a, three-b, three-c) within page three.
This works fine. However, I've got two problems:
- As soon as I select the 'one page' option, the menu item isn't highlighted anymore in the main menu ('page three' in this case).
- Smooth scrolling works fine, but it should stop at a different point (a bit higher). Currently, the top of the section isn't visible (sticky menu covers the item / disabling sticky menu doesn't help either).
Any thoughts on these two issues?
I could create a hashtag link to the bottom of a previous section, but I hope a more refined solution is possible.
1) This is true and it's how it works unfortunately. Since you activate One Page option, this item can not be longer activate and this behave can not be changed unfortunately.
2) Please send us link to page where smooth scrolling does not work as should and we will have a look on it.