Importing Demo Data Incomplete

Dear Support and NC,
i try to import Demo Data from the BeTheme. I have a clean WP 4.5.2 Installation.
Everytime i try to import one of the Demo Layouts it is imported incomplete. Allways the Menu Structure is missing completely. The Menues are created but the whole Menu Structure is empty.
I try to manually import as descripted here Same result: Menues are created but without Structure and entries.

I tried also to import "Default Layout" which gave me the following errors:

Failed to import pa_color Black
Failed to import pa_color Blue
Failed to import product_type external
Failed to import pa_color Green
Failed to import product_type grouped
Failed to import product_type simple
Failed to import product_type variable
Failed to import product_cat Clothing
Failed to import product_cat Hoodies
Failed to import product_cat Posters
Failed to import product_cat T-shirts
Failed to import “Getting Started”: Invalid post type forum
Failed to import “FAQ”: Invalid post type forum
Failed to import “Support”: Invalid post type forum
Page “Home” already exists.

The full site is incomplete, lots of parts are missing or corrupted....


  • Hi,

    sounds like your server is not fully compatible with WordPress. Demo settings can not be imported automatically because your server does not work with wp_remote_get() function which uses loopbacks. In such case, you must import settings manually because you have default footer active instead of the custom one we made especially for this demo.

    P.S. Menu items and widgets can not be imported manually. Those things need to be sorted manually in right sections.

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