Javascript error in revslider for some user roles


Running: wordpress 4.5.2 and Betheme 13, revslider updated to latest bundled version

Two days ago noticed when creating a new page or post that all the editor buttons on the "text" and "visual" editor windows was not showing. Also Muffin Builder is not loadning. This happens for all user types EXCEPT admin users. 

I turned on script_debugging and found in a browser console that I get a javascript error from a revslider file. The error is: 

tinymce-shortcode-script.js:105 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

The offending javascript file is located in /wp-content/plugins/revslider/admin/assets/js. Looking inte the file the error is in this function: 
104 jQuery(document).ready(function(){
105 jQuery('.rs-mod-slides-wrapper').sortable();
106 });

The error seems to stop the rest of the page to load properly. 

Changes I made last couple of days that could have an effect on this: 
- installed Jetpack plugin
- installed All In One WP Security plugin

Can you help me with how to troubleshoot and fix this? Or should I post over at the Revslider support forums? 

BR, Johan


  • I tried deactivating the plugins I installed and found that it is upon activating Jetpack that I get this error. But I would still like jetpack so any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated! 
  • Hi,

    we did checked it on our side already and we can not agree with you unfortunately because everything works fine. It means that Jetpack is not the reason. The problem must be somewhere else.
  • OK, thanks for checking!  

    The behaviour is confirmed on my installation. But I have other plugins as well being activated. Maybe it is a combination of Jetpack, Revolution Slider and some other plugin that is causing the error.. 

    The behavior strikes me as rather stange, since only users with editor & writer roles get the javascript error. Logging in as an admin user I do not see the problem. 
  • That's definitely weird but this can not be related with theme because we checked it very carefully.
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