Preview without having to Update/Save


Is there a way with Muffin Builder to Preview a change without having to Update/Save the changes? 

I notice the first change you make to a page when you first open it, let's you Preview w/out saving, but after that, the preview button doesn't reflect the changes unless I update/save the page. 

Visual composer let's me preview all changes made without having to save the changes first. 

I like BeTheme and the Muffin Builder, and this is my 3rd or 4th license of BeTheme, however hving to Save/Update a change before having a chance to preview it, is a bit concerning.

Let me know if there is a setting I can change to fix this.

Thank you!


  • Hi Eric,

    we are sorry but it is not possible. Muffin Builder was made on post_meta and this wp's feature does not have possibility to preview the content without saving it.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Thanks for the quick reply. No worries. The built-in page cloning feature is a nice safety net to use when making larger changes. 

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