Section Background Image - size and full width

edited May 2016 in BeBuilder
Original question updated... please see below.

Thank you


  • edited May 2016
    Disregard the above...

    Here are my more clear and updated questions:

    I am using the Finance theme set to Full-Width.
    When I add a background image to a Section, the background image (1200x800) does not display full-screen. 

    Go to the homepage linked below and scroll down to "Our Services" section. This is the background image of discussion. I want to add a full width background image to multiple sections on this sites pages. 

    Thank you!

  • Hi,

    how image that is 1200px width can be full width? Sorry but we do not understand it. If you want the image to be full width, it should be the same size as the screens your visitors use. We usually use FULL HD images (1920px width).

  • Ah, thank you!
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