I'm having the same issue. It was working correctly when I initially set up my site, but now it's defaulting to a sidebar. I just want the side navigation like in the demo. Any suggestions on how to fix it and add the "Muffin Menu"? Thank you!
@SocialVision Sorry but we don`t understand what is your problem exactly. As we wrote above, all you need to do is use "Muffin Menu" widget. There is not other explanation at all for that item
Ah yes, "widget" was the key word I missed there. I was looking in the page settings. Thank you!! My widgets got all moved around when I installed the latest theme update. Do you know if there is any way to save widget settings when updating a theme?
All theme settings are stored in database and you shouldn`t lose them after update. But if you lost, then probably you did something wrong. We do updates very often and we never lost any settings.
this is "Muffin Menu" widget