Thanks for you help.
I have a wrap with 2 items. A full width column with a <h2> title, and below, four Icon Box. And finaly, another full width column.
My problem is that i need this Wrap to be shown only to a certain member group. I usualy use a s2member short code that restrict the display
[s2if TheUserHasThisLevel]
.... code to be displayed
It works when I use a Muffin shortchode. For instance, for my slider, I use the S2member shortcode with the shortcode that display the slider... yeepee !!
But in that case, if I put a column above the first item and a column below the last item to put my s2m shortcodes in them, it doesn't work (the [/s2if] is shown...
I tried to put my s2m shortcode before the <h2> title int the first column...and the [/s2if] at the end of the last column... Same problem...
I tried to put my s2m shortcode before the <h2> title int the first column...and the [/s2if] at the end of the last column... Same problem...
Can you help me please. I really like Muffin and I really NEED s2member ?
what you ask for requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.
Thanks for understanding!