
Thanks for you help.

I have a wrap with 2 items. A full width column with a <h2> title, and below, four Icon Box. And finaly, another full width column.

My problem is that i need this Wrap to be shown only to a certain member group. I usualy use a s2member short code that restrict the display
[s2if TheUserHasThisLevel]
.... code to be displayed

It works when I use a Muffin shortchode. For instance, for my slider, I use the S2member shortcode with the shortcode that display the slider... yeepee !!

But in that case, if I put a column above the first item and a column below the last item to put my s2m shortcodes in them, it doesn't work (the  [/s2if] is shown...
I tried to put my s2m shortcode before the <h2> title int the first column...and the [/s2if] at the end of the last column... Same problem...

Can you help me please. I really like Muffin and I really NEED s2member ?


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