Change Post Order for Category

How can I change the order of a category for a blog section? This category needs to be read in ascending order.

Can you please help?


  • Tried other plugins to achieve this and doesnt work. Their response, "If it doesn't work, its your theme..."!

    Love this theme, keep my additional licenses for this reason... If possible, can you help me with a solution? If your for hire, can pay $50. Had to buy additional plugins for their goals as a favor so can't afford much.

    Do you guys have a good PHP training site? WyTF can't I grasp functions, calls, if / than bs...

    Anyways, if you know of a quick solution or a compatible plugin, please let me know!
  • Hi,

    what you ask for is not possible because requires files customization. But we do not offer such service unfortunately. So if you want to customize theme files, you need to contact with your web developer.

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