Revolution Slider - fatal error
Hi, I am new to WordPress and to BeTheme. So apologies if this is error is due to my inexperience.
However, when I installed the BeTheme and all its components (I unzipped the supplied files and uploaded them FTP to my server), I have real issues when trying to activate the revolution slider.
After numerous attempts, this is where I am at.
Once I activate the slider - it breaks my wordpress site and gives the below error message:
Am I using an outdated version of the slider?
Any help/feedback would be greatly appreciated
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Insert query error - <b>Unknown column 'advanced' in 'field list'</b><br>---<br> Query: INSERT INTO `wp_revslider_css` (`handle`, `settings`, `hover`, `params`, `advanced`) VALUES ('.tp-caption.MarkerDisplay', '{\"translated\":5,\"type\":\"text\",\"version\":\"5.0\"}', '{\"color\":\"#ff0000\",\"text-decoration\":\"none\",\"background-color\":\"transparent\",\"background-transparency\":\"1\",\"border-color\":\"transparent\",\"border-style\":\"none\",\"border-width\":\"0\",\"border-radius\":[\"0px\",\"0px\",\"0px\",\"0px\"],\"skewx\":\"0\",\"skewy\":\"0\",\"scalex\":\"1\",\"scaley\":\"1\",\"opacity\":\"1\",\& in /usr/home/gjddesigns/ on line 14
what is your Slider Revolution version?