Parallax effect issue?


I've got a small problem with a parallax section background image.
The image is large enough en loads correctly for the first .5 second, but after that it scales to around 3/4 of the width.
Any ideas? It did work correctly when I first created it, but now I can't seem to get it right anymore...

It is a section background image with parallax effect, different image sizes tried and default styling.

And an image of the issue:


  • Hi,

    please send us link to page where this happens.
  • Here is the link again:

    The weird thing is that duplicating the section makes the parallax effect work on the duplicated section. However, when removing the top section, the parallax effect again doesn't work in the remaining one. Adding another section in between doesn't work either, nor does changing the image size.


  • Could you explain in which browser you got this issue? Because we checked and didn't noticed anything wrong. - this is how it looks like on our side.
  • That's strange :)
    I'm using the latest Chrome browser (51.0.2704.103 m)

    I just checked in Edge and the parallax effect does render correctly there.

  • That's strange but it doesn't look like that on our end and we are unable to re-create this behave on our end.
  • On whose end is it then?
  • Maybe something is wrong between the browser and your computer? Isn't weird that only you have this problem?
  • Tnx. 

    However, it's not a problem that arises only on my pc..
    I checked with various browser testers and it seems that Chrome has an issue with rendering this effect (and my client experiences the same problem).

    Here you can find a screenshot of a test in Chrome (49) and in Firefox (45) for comparison:

  • So how would you explain that on our end it works? Tested of 5 different computers and we didn't noticed anything like that.
  • edited June 2016
    I don't know, that's why I come here for support in the first place..

    I'm just trying to explain the problem (stating facts) and I'm trying to make clear that it is not something that arises only on my computer. Chrome in general seems to have difficulty with the effect / template. With this information you can dig in deeper and provide a solution.

    However, I just found out that the 'hover color' boxes cause the problem and changing those solved the issue.

  • We are sorry but we can not agree with you because this is happening on your computer only. Like we wrote, we tested it on few different computers and didn't noticed anything like that. And until we are unable to re-create this issue on our end, there is nothing what we can do. Please also notice, that you are the only one who had such problem what means it has completely nothing to theme.

    Thanks for understanding!
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