Enable Muffin builder in a custom post type

Hi, i created a custom post type called "product" but muffin builder isn't load into it.
How can i use muffin builder in a custom post type?

Thanks a lot


  • Hi,

    this requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.

    P.S. We can just give you a hint. Check custom post type files like portfolio and other we made under /includes/ folder and base on those files, create your own custom post types.

  • Ok, no problem i can use "Portfolio" post type but i can't loop the post of one Portfolio category.
    How can filter only specific category posts?

  • To display portfolio items from individual categories, under Appearance > Menus section click in the right top corner on Screen Options and activate Portfolio Categories so you can add just portfolio categories into menu.
  • edited June 2016
    Ok but i need the list of posts of specific category not all the categories. i need show on sidebar of the single portfolio post all the other posts of the same category
  • We are sorry but we do not have anything like that included. You can try to use Portfolio items instead where it is possible to set multiple categories but if this is not what you are looking for as well, then we do not have any other suggestion.
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