Contact Form 7 error


I have an error on posting CF7-forms. The email actually gets sent but the page after clicking on the "Submit" button the page hangs on the "spinning arrows" and the user gets no notification on whether mail was sent or not. 

Looking into the javascript console there is an error like this when posting the form:

Error in: jquery.js?ver=1.12.3:4
Error message: POST net::ERR_INVALID_HANDLE

I have already deactivated W3 Total Cache since I was afraid caching was causing this behaviour. Still not working. 

I also tried to switch theme to Twenty Sixteen. When using that theme the CF7-form works as expected. Switching back to BeTheme it stops working again. That makes me think it might be related to BeTheme in some way. 

What could I do to troubleshoot/correct this? 

BR, Johan


  • Hi,

    did you tried to disable all plugins? Because forms has been tested by us and thousands of other users and so far we did never met with anything similar. If you did and it didn't changed anything, please remove CF7's files thru FTP and upload the newest version the same (FTP) way.

  • Sure, only problem is that it is not working properly for me :) 

    I tried deleting and reinstalling CF7-files by FTP. No difference. Will now try disabling plugins to see if I can find anything. Will report back when done. 
  • Hi, 

    Found the offending plugin. It is a plugin called "Simple Calendar - Google Calendar Plugin". Deactivating that plugin everything works as expected with CF7. Will contact the developer of the plugin and tell him. 

    BR, Johan
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