Action Bar Add 3rd Phone Number

I need to add a third phone number. I have added another phone section to the header-top-area.php file: 

if( $header_phone_3 = mfn_opts_get( 'header-phone-3' ) ){

echo '<li class="phone"><i class="icon-phone"></i><a href="tel:'. str_replace(' ', '', $header_phone_3) .'">'. $header_phone_3 .'</a></li>';

how do I add a 3rd number in the Muffin Group Muffin Options Action Bar section please? 

If I have to add the third number within the .php page, please show me what to type. The number is "BENOWA: 07 5529 4343" (I am typing the location before each number).

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    what you ask for, requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • OK. I know how to edit the php file, which I have done, but it doesn't allow me to update the number in Muffin Group Muffin Options Action Bar. I guess I will just have to set the three numbers within the PHP page instead.
    Shame you don't offer customisation support, I would be happy to pay for some add-ons.
  • We do not offer customization support because we are so busy with current work, support, adding new features, updates that we even do not have enough time for these basic stuff. That's why we do not offer it. But if you look on the left side (customization banners) these are our colleges who offer such modifications for BeTheme users so you can contact with them if you want.
  • edited December 2019
    in order to achieve this it is not too difficult.

    see below: (2 files need modifications)

    add the extra line in includes-slogan.php file:

     if ($header_phone_3 = mfn_opts_get('header-phone-3')) {
          echo '<li class="phone"><i class="icon-phone"></i><a href="tel:'. esc_attr(str_replace(' ', '', $header_phone_3)) .'">'. esc_html($header_phone_3) .'</a></li>';

    also in


                        'id'        => 'header-phone-3',
                        'type'        => 'text',
                        'title'        => __('3rd Phone', 'mfn-opts'),
                        'sub_desc'    => __('Additional Phone number', 'mfn-opts'),
                        'class'        => 'small-text mhb-opt',

    once you do that go into the betheme admin and you will see a field for 3rd phone number.

    don't forget to add an includes directory to your child theme and include the file include-slogan.php
    also a muffin-options folder with the theme-options.php file

    so when your theme updates it does overwrite your changes.
  • Thank you kship, I habe added it. God Bless!
  • I have added in my site you can check. Very nice
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