How to increase margins for entire website???

Good day,
Thank you for your product and all the work you guys do!  Of course I just notice when things go wrong but a lot of stuff goes right, it's amazing.

Anyhow I will try to explain my goal and hopefully someone can help me figure out how to do it.

It is not complete yet.  If you look around it you will see padding/margins between everything other than my header/slider, my full width photo on the main page and my footer.  There is about 2 inches or 5 cm of space, it is most obvious on my blog page.  A lot of websites have this actually.

My goal is to get it looking something more like this website;

On their main page notice how they have very little padding on left and right sides?  Their boxed images go right up to sides of the page.  I would love to achieve this on my site, especially for my side bar which you can see on my blog page;
I just don't want there to be so much empty space/padding/margin to the right of the sidebar and on all pages in general.

I am using a child theme and perhaps need a custom css to achieve this?  I have never used css so would need directions on where to put the css code exactly.  Or is there somewhere I can go and edit the margins in the theme?

I have searched everywhere and asked for help on the forum before and still have no answer.  I would really appreciate any help on this.  

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    to remove margin/padding from the sidebar and some other places, you can try to use the following css:
    .widget-area { padding: 0 !important; }
    .column, .columns { margin: 0 0% 20px !important; }
    but please notice that we can not guarantee that this would work as you expect. This is just how theme was designed and coded and some changes may require files customization.

  • Thank you for your reply, this only addresses part of my question.  I have asked on wordpress forum but they said my premium theme should be giving me more support for this.  Maybe you could read again my best and do your best to answer the full thing?  
  • Also could you please give me directions on where to try putting this code you gave me?  Thank you.

  • Yes, we read it and what we gave you is the only css that we can give you in this matter. If someone told you that we should give you more support for this, they should also tell you that sometimes it is not possible to do modification without files customization. But if you read Item Support Policy, you will understand that files customization are not included.

    Anyway, each css supposed to be placed under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section. This section has been explained in the documentation of course.
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