BeTheme Theme Options save bug

Dear support,

I was editing my color settings in the BeTheme Option panel.
When I pressed "save changes" it was loading for quite a while, so I clicked "save changes" once again while the loader wasn't done yet.
This time it seemed to work, but when I went back to my website I noticed all custom styling was gone.
All styling which I wrote in the tab "Custom CSS & JS" is completely gone. The editor went fully blank like it was reset or something.

Is there a way to get this styling back..? It also removed the included responsive styling of the theme.


  • Hi,

    to get settings back, you need to contact with your admin and ask for a backup.

  • I guess you misunderstood me here. Contact your admin? I'm developing the website on my own and as far as I know the BeTheme custom CSS / JS editor does not have any back-ups at all.

    Where is this file exactly located? or isn't there a file for this editor.

    I think next time I will include my own css file, since this Custom CSS & JS editor seems to be quite broken.

  • Sounds like you have no idea how the data are stored and that's why you should contact with your admin. All data are stored in database, not files. And it is not true that it seems to be broken. If something has disappeared, it means the problem is somewhere on server side, not theme. That's why you supposed to contact with your admin.
  • Ehh,

    I don't know why you're saying I have no idea how the data is stored, im not an expert I admit, but CSS is stored into CSS files and not into the database.
    I know there's only some revslider CSS stored in database.

    The reason I said it seems broken is because BeTheme Options behaved weird after saving twice, and from that point the website also didn't resize anymore on mobile phone. 

    Perhaps saving/uploading the style went wrong at some point because it took too long, but how could that ever affect the responsive styling?

    Anyway, do you have any idea how I can replace the old responsive style file (or as from your description the CSS in a db table)?

    I would like to reupload the BeRestaurant Responsive styling and overwrite my old 'broken' styling.

  • It's simple. You lost something during saving to database and you are asking in which file css is. It simply means that you have no idea what you ask for :)

    What we may suggest to do now is remove whole data with Wordpress Reset plugin and upload the content once again. But please remember that this plugin removes all data, like: pages, posts, settings, etc. Your Wordpress would be again as clear as after first installation. Or if you don't want to do this, just contact with your admin and ask for backups. What you can also do is create extra instance of WP, import the demo, copy the css you lost and paste into your site.
  • Muffingroup, that is not an adequate response. This is an actual bug. I am having this exact same issue. I'm using betheme with the Music theme demo data installed. I'm running wordpress 4.6.1. I have tried reinstalling the theme and demo data multiple times and I am still having this issue. When you click on Betheme Options it just pulls up an empty space on the right (options menu on the left), and you can't click on the menu on the left until you click Save Changes (when you click the menu on the left the browser says "javascript:void(0)" and nothing happens when you click anywhere on the left theme options menu). Every time I've reinstalled this it's not installing with the custom css that normally loads with the demo theme data; custom css area is blank. Most of the theme options seem to keep reverting to default no matter how many times I save (for example, Fonts says they are all set to Arial, and yet my site is showing a different font - when I try to change the fonts to something else, it reloads the Options screen and all I can do is click Save Changes, and it just goes back to Arial again).
  • @briankip Please send us dashboard access privately thru contact form which is on the right side at and we will proof that it has nothing to theme. Please don’t forget to let us know what for the access is.
  • edited October 2016
    @muffingroup I have filled out that contact form TWICE now -- once on Sept 13th and also on Sept 22. I gave you my dashboard login info both times. No one has responded or replied to me in any way. Please let me know why support is not reaching out to me about this issue. 
  • @briankip Below, you have a proof that we replied on both of your messages so we suggest to change your inbox/spambox more carefully.
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