Yikes! What'd I do wrong?

We just launched one of the sites I've been working on. Client LOVES it, of course. Thank you for making me look good!  :-)

However, we've had a lot of people tell us that the little icons aren't showing up... the social media icons, phone, and email icon at the top of the page, the little 'person' icons on the testimonials, and the "up" arrow at the bottom of the page, etc.

It's not happening consistently, but we just launched the website this weekend, and it seems to be occurring much more than we would like. Is there something going on with that icon font ... or ... ?

Website is:  http://www.premierrisksolutions.com/

Here are some screenshots:



  • Hi,

    we checked your site on several different computers and the icons shows up properly what you can see on http://pasteboard.co/deERbX3rI.png
  • OK, I know that everything seems to be working for you just fine. HOWEVER, I'm on the website at this very moment, and the icons aren't showing up again.

    So. IF an issue were to happen like this, what would you do or where would you look to find a possible solution? Do I need to install a different icon font? Could it be a hosting issue?

    If you can pretend for just a moment, and help me trouble-shoot, I won't need to bother you about it again.  :-)
  • This needs to be something with the hosting but because we are unable to re-create this on our end, we don't know what this might be exactly.
  • GoDaddy says it's something happening with the theme. The hosting account we have is the 'ultimate' account... lots of bandwidth, disk space, etc. This doesn't make sense.
  • Really? So how you explain the situation where we checked your site on several different computers in completely different locations and the icons are fine? Sorry, but we can't agree with what your hosting said because it's definitely not true. We are 1000% sure about it. But until we can not re-create this issue on our end, we have no idea where the problem might be.
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