Problems with the update on BeTheme to version 14.1
Hi Muffingroup
I made an exact copy of my website to the location
I was running version 12.1 before and am trying to upgrade to version 14.1
The update to 14.1 successfully loaded to but I am having some problems and I am hoping you can tell me what is going on.
1) The title of the page has been replaced with a long php warning
2) The layout of my main image in upper fold and also the H1 tag in upper fold are now out of allignment
3) The alignment of the next 3 icon boxes are off just below the upper fold
4) The 4 icon boxes below that row are also out of alignment
Everything else appears to be normal.
Thank you!
1. You are using child theme and the function you use in child theme, mfn_title() is deprecated. Wordpress change the way of displaying titles and now they are doing it themselves and that's why this function is no longer in use.
2,3,4. Would be great if you can switch to parent theme and see if everything appears normal when parent theme is active.