simple fix for widening boxed layout?

I started with an unboxed layout but decided that the home page needed more color. I tried adding color to the sidebar, but that didn't work out so well. . . but the boxed layout allows more color so I'm thinking maybe it is preferable. However, the university logo placement on the image bar makes it so that some of the letters are cut off! Rather than going back to photoshop and redoing these images--I'm not sure if the librarians are going to want boxed or unboxed--can I widen the theme just a bit in the CSS to prevent the logo from being cut off? 

It's When it is done and approved it will be placed on the university's servers behind a VPN.

Also, if you have any suggestions for how to improve this in terms of aesthetics I'd love to hear from you pros! Also if there is a downside to widening (won't be responsive anymore, etc) please let me know.

Thank you,



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