Quick question about menu and blog

Hello Muffin! As always much thanks for your fantastic theme and great customer service. I've three quick questions that I was hoping you could help me with. If not, then of course I understand! :) 

1. In my menu things are very strange. They aren’t centered from above. They’re too far down, and it looks really cheap. If you look at www.apple.com for instance you can see how the text is exactly in the middle. Is there a way to do that on www.emikkelsen.com. I don’t mean center from the side, but in the height, it is too far down. So center height. Center width is already there and is perfect!! :)

2. http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/goodfood/food-blog/ your blog is really cool. How do you make the categories, authors etc look like that? They’re so professional and I’d love to have them on my blog! :) www.emikkelsen.com/digital-blog mine look like that.

3. Is there a way to hide just my tags but not anything else? I like the categories and authors, but I don’t really like to display tags. In the BeTheme options I only see the option to keep 1 or none. Not to just move tags.


  • Hi,

    1. We do not have such header type as apple site but if you want to move the menu items up, you need to use the following css:
    #Top_bar .menu > li > a { padding: 5px 0 !important; }
    2. As we can see, you have Filtering included already on your blog. So what exactly you want to do?

    3. Yes, you can disable tags using extra css:
    #Filters .filters_buttons li.tags { display: none !important; }
  • edited August 2016
    Thank you so much! Absolutely amazing! Appreciate it a lot.

    As for the 2. question sorry for not being more specific. I'd like to have the same type of filtering that you have on the Good Food blog and the Blogger 2, where it is that pretty smart box that pops on and when you over it there's a color. When I click categories on mine for instance the categories show up, but there's not a hover box like on your blogs. Does it make sense or should I send a picture? :)

    By the way you guys gave me this code to center my search field, but it's not in the center it is too far to the right. Is there anyway to get it right in the center or is that too much work? :) It is centered on a 13 inch but not on bigger screens. 

    #Top_bar .search_wrapper { left: 10% !important; }
  • About 2nd, your filtering is a little bit different because you set SIMPLE style under Theme options > Global > General and we use the DEFAULT one on pages you mentioned above.

    As we can see, your search field is already centered what you can see on http://pasteboard.co/7dmGO5Coc.png
  • Thanks so much!!! Have a great day. As always go BeTheme! :)
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