Sections not align to the center


I've set up a one page site with 6 sections (some with transparent background and some with white), each sections top has a topic column, however, I've some of the columns are not aligned to the center (when I use the center of the logo on the top of the page a a reference point). May I ask what caused this problem? Thank you in advance !!1

Links for my website


  • Hi,

    could you explain which sections does not align? We checked your site and all sections are centered.
  • Hi,

    Protfolio and especially Contact us 
  • At first, Portfolio is centered but you need to know that this item does not come from the theme. It comes from your extra plugin. But about the contact details, you build this site with VC which as far as we know does not have an option to set custom ID's. Because to center this section, it is necessary to set custom ID or class name and then center it with custom css. Of course you can use the following css to center it but it would center any other columns built with VC plugin.
    .wpb_wrapper > div { text-align: center !important; }
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