Javascript Code Not Functioning as intended - BeTheme 14.2 / Wordpress 4.5.3
I have created a snippet of Javascript code from Mailchimp to have a popup form on my site to collect email addresses. I understand that if I post the following code in the Custom JS field in the theme options panel that it will work. However, it does not.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" data-dojo-config="usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false"></script><script type="text/javascript">require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"da5d84bd6db2183c4e2b49871","lid":"716b2cb16e"}) })</script>
I notice that when the above code is added, that my navigation bar does not show up and I get the some latent code in the footer.
Please advise how to fix this problem, please.
what you ask for, requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer. Or if you don’t have any, fell free to contact with our colleagues who offer such service via - we strongly recommend those guys as they know BeTheme product very well.
Thanks for understanding!