"Add to Cart" button not disabled when item options aren't selected - item is added to the cart


I have a Woocommerce site in development selling shoes. Each shoe has two options: color and size. Item example: http://a2514-tmp.s48.upress.link/he/shop/קיץ-2016/איב-קולר/

The user needs to choose a color and a size in order to add the show to the cart. 

Currently, before the user chooses the shoe options, the"Add to Cart" button is styled as disabled, but isn't really disabled. If it is clicked, a popup appears telling the user he needs to choose options, but right after the shoe is added to the cart, without options.

I would like to "Add to Cart" to be disabled as long as both size and color options haven't been selected. The popup should be elegant - not a default JS popup.

This should be the right user experience for this scenario.

How can I fix this?



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