Change color on progress bars

Is is possible to change the color on INDIVIDUAL 'progress bars'? I know how to do it with all bars via the Betheme Options. But I need 6 bars in 6 different colors. 

And is it possible to change the color of 'charts'? I need 6 charts in different colors as well. I need to change both the outer circle that moves as a counter, and the background of the inner-circle that is usually white.


  • Hi,

    unfortunately this is not possible to do what you ask for. Progress bars or chart items does not have own ID's and this is the reason why it is not possible. It could be possible only to make different colors in different sections or pages.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Hello. Is this now possible with new updates? Changing individual color bars?
    If not, can you please tell how to make differnt colors in different sections? - it requires change to shortcode ([bar title="Title" value="50"] ) or custom css?
  • No, this is not possible unfortunately. Css won't work here because this needs modifications in theme files.
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