Congress Demo - Slider does not work
Dear Sirs or Madams,
I just bought "betheme" and wanted to use the "congress" demo data. However, right after I installed the demo, I realized that it apparently has issues with finding the slides that are responsible for the upper part of the main page. (I'am pretty sure that slides are used due to the fact that this part does not show up in the muffin builder). Besides, I'am not able fo find the prebuilde slider anywere.
So basically neither am I able to change anything in can I delete it since the prebuild slides of the demo do not show up anywere.
I would appreciate any tips or help.
Best Wishes
Thomas Roscher
did you followed the steps from our instructional video where we explained how to import slider properly after the demo import? If you did, then please explain where the problem exactly is.