Custom CSS not working post update

Hi there,

The custom CSS fields are not taking effect, they were working up until
last night when I updated the theme. Now now matter what CSS entries I
put in the custom field they have no effect on the styling at all, any
suggestions? I have already installed WP super cache and tried clearing
the cache...this has not helped at all.

Please help!

Thanks so much,


  • We have tried deactivating plugins and nothing helped there either
  • Hey,

    if you installed cache plugin then you know what is the problem now :) And it doesn't matter if you deactivated it or not. Cache is inside files on your server and that's why you don't see any changes. So now you should deactivate this plugin completely and also remove all cache files from FTP server.
  • I installed the Cache plugin because I was not seeing changes and thought it might rectify the problem. The cache plugin is not the issue. This issue was happening long before I installed the plugin. This is also not the first time this has happened to me. 

    Is this a common problem? have you encountered this before? 

    I will go remove the cached files from the FTP and let you know what happens. 
  • Kay, I have removed everything from every cache file I could find on the FTP. The plugin has deactivated and removed and my browser cache has been cleared as well. Still no change. 

    Any further suggestions?
  • So please send us access to your wp dashboard on pm with explanation what you exactly did and where and we'll have a look on it because we never met with similar problem.
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