Ajax update header cart

I am not sure if you guys can help or not . I have a 3rd party plugin - YITH - request a quote

By default that plugin does not offer header cart icon or quote options for header . we somehow tried to add the cart icon with product number by modifying the header file . but we cannot make it ajax updated.

we noticed the theme-woocommerce.php offers function under

/* WooCommerce - Ensure cart contents update when products are added to the cart via AJAX */ 

is there a way you guys can help with it . or provide some suggestions where we can dig further..

We are using this function in header file to show cart item

echo '<a id="yith" href="'. YITH_Request_Quote()->get_raq_page_url() .'"><i class="'. $show_cart .'"></i><span>'. YITH_Request_Quote()->get_raq_item_number() .'</span></a>';

If you guys can help in any way . I would be greatful 
:)>- :)>-


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