Space between blocks
i have installed and i am using the "DECOR" demo.
I haven't changed anything as for the structure but i am chaning just the content such as images and text.
In the home page i have changed the images of the 4 blocks with the zoom option by uploading new images of the same size as the original ones (960x517)
The problem is that right after the first 2 images and the second 2 images there is a small blank space (a very thin row) that, by default, was white and which i changed it to gray to somehow hide it.
In the original template there is no such a row,
You can check it here
I didn't touch any option regarding the wrapper and the blocks, i just changed the images to new ones.
Can you please tell me what i am doing wrong and how i can solve this problem that is driving me nuts?
Thank you!
please show us on the screenshot where you got this space exactly so we can avoid confuse.