while site migration, we always use 2 plugins and did never had any problems with content or settings migration. Those plugins are: WP Migrate DB and Mfn CB Migration Tool. You probably forgot about the second tool
Notice: Функция wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content filter/action с версии WPSEO 3.0 считается устаревшей! Используйте javascript. in/var/www/bregovski/data/www/driver-moscow.ru/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3706 3483
Notice: Функция wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content filter/action с версии WPSEO 3.0 считается устаревшей! Используйте javascript. in /var/www/bregovski/data/www/driver-moscow.ru/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3706
while site migration, we always use 2 plugins and did never had any problems with content or settings migration. Those plugins are: WP Migrate DB and Mfn CB Migration Tool. You probably forgot about the second tool
everything was in addition to the slider
Thank you and how to replace images in the slider