Header in front of content

edited September 2016 in BeBuilder

I have this page: http://iamabee.de/portfolio-item/hochqualitatives-empfehlungsmarketing-in-ausgewaehlten-hotels-2/
and this: http://iamabee.de/registrierung/

The Header is in front of the content of the page. I tried inserting a section with column and margin top. But it only appears underneath.
What can I do? The only option I found was to switch to one other header style which really really looks aweful on the page, hahaha.

Can you please help?


  • Hey,

    you set transparent header type and it works exactly as supposed to work. This is the whole sense of being transparent. Of course you can move the content down with the following css but it wouldn't look good in our opinion.
    #Content { padding-top: 150px !important; }
    Different header style would be much better solution.
  • OK thank you! I´ll try and see what looks better :-)
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