Missing demo content .xml

I am battling to upload the demo content onto my site through wordpress system, both through betheme demo upload as well as through import. The webmaster demo content and alot of other demo content .xml's are missing from the download xml file. I need the webmaster.xml file.


  • My hosting company is finding these errors with the theme, when I try load it through wordpress. 

    We have checked the issue in detail and could see that modfcgid errors were triggered for the theme. As updated earlier, we have already tweaked all the fcgi parameters to the maximum allowed in our shared servers. Please find them below:


    IdleTimeout 3600

    DefaultMinClassProcessCount 3

    DefaultMaxClassProcessCount 7

    IPCConnectTimeout 300 

    IPCCommTimeout 7200

    FcgidConnectTimeout 20

    MaxRequestLen 24621440

    FcgidMaxRequestLen 24621440 

    Please advise as soon as you can

  • I'm having serious problems with your new betheme update. I can't load any demo content.
  • Hi,

    we have no idea where did you read about .xml files but we do not use them since very long time. You supposed to import demos from BeTheme Demo Data section with included '1 click installation' feature. More details about pre-built websites import, you can find in instructional video.
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