Combined questions.

1. As seen here in mobile view, the words almost overlap each other top and bottom. How do i solve this? This is a H1 VC=Custom Heading.

2. Woocommerce product as seen here :
a) There is a huge gap between the picture and the Pruduct title/ price and description. How do i make it close?
b) As seen, regular price is $1.00 while sale price is $0.50 . Unfortunately, they are soo far apart. Is there anyway to make them closer?
c) Is there a way to remove the social bar on the left? How about add others such as Google+ or other sharing social media platforms?

Is there a way to see the product quantity and total price? Like this : . Just that retain the design of the card in Betheme cuz it looks very Sleek.

4. This side Menu on the right here =
How do i add another text or Icon? Like Login or something?

Awaiting your kind reply,

Thank you,


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