Fixed image background on section

I would like to put an image at the top of a page on my website. I would like a parallax effect on it, so the content will pass over the image.
How can I do that?

Actually, I putted the image in the first section of the page, in Background image. I choose Center No-Repeat Fixed, but it's difficult for me to choose between 2 others choices : Center No-Repeat Fixed Cover and Parallax. But if I don't put pixels for padding top and bottom (in the layout section), the image don't appear in website.

Also, my image dimension are 1920px x 650px, and I want this image to be like "scale-with-grid" (so the image will be adjust for any device).
There is the url for this page
What's the best solution for me?

Another question : why the website looks different on PC and Mac?

Thank you!


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