Parsing the muffin builder content inside a post


I am using BeTheme. For some of the posts I use the muffin builder entirely to add the content and for some I use the standard way. The problem is that when in the blog page I display the posts with the starting sentences, the posts for which the content is only made through the Muffin Builder don't show anything, i.e. the information within the Muffin Builder isn't parsed. Is there a way around?

Also, if one tries to use both the usual way and the muffin builder, the content/code entered in the standard box appears AFTER the muffin builder's content when the blog post is displayed. I want it to be the other way around.

Can you help?
Thanks in advance!


  • Hi,

    1. Muffin Builder content is not being parsed as an excerpt and if you want to display excerpts of posts made with Muffin Builder, you need to set such excerpts manually under each post. When you are editing post, under Post Options, you should have Excerpt field. If not, click in the right top corner on Screen Options and activate it.

    2. To display default WP editor content different way, you can use Hide the Content option and then use it as Content WP item directly inside builder.
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