Split Menu isn't semitransparent in mobile view?

My "Split Menu semitransparent" is only in desktop and tablet view (portrait and landscape) semitransparent, but not in mobile view?

What can i do to make it also semitransparent?


  • Hi,

    to set header mobile transparent, you need to activate Transparency under Theme options > Responsive > Header section.
  • Sorry, this doesn't work. Then mobile Header is completly transparent. 

    What can i do to make it also semitransparent? So like in desktop view, where the header is semitransparent with Header "Split Menu Semitransparent".
  • But we do not have any option to make header on mobile semi-transparent and to do it the way you want, you need to set it up the way we told you above and then using custom css, set it's background color on mobile using rgba. If you will set it transparent for mobile and then send us link to page where you would like it to be semi-transparent, we will try to help you with custom css.
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