Unwanted spacing below logo on mobile site

Hi there,

I am having an issue on a site I am building, www.vividsignandprint.com , but it only seems to occur on the mobile version of the site.

I am using the following CSS to alter styles on the action bar, as well as hiding the social parts, and center text etc. However this is leaving me with a large, white, unwanted space underneath the logo. The CSS is;

#Action_bar {
text-align: center;
#Action_bar .contact_details {
float: none;
#Action_bar .social {
display: none;

#Top_bar a#search_button {
display: none;

If I tick the 'minimal' box under the Responsive menu within Theme Options, which hides the action bar, the white space disappears, so it seems to certainly be the cause of it, I'm just not sure what exactly is creating the space.

Any help is much appreciated.



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